Sunday, May 29, 2005

Wino's Crew Ft Worth Posted by Hello

Motorcycle blowout in Gulfport Ms

The colors for the Wino's Crew from Ft Worth Texas are green and white. We hung out with them ;camping in Gulfport. I'm not much of a camper, So , anyway I managed to stay 2 nights camping as to last years 1 night. I wimped out on the 3rd day due to female issues. I stayed Thursday and Friday night and the fun really happened on Saturday night when I was not there. Oh well. When I first got introduced to Biker people via my husband Bret I was intimated. But I have found out over a few years that they are a great bunch of people.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Ok It's back

My Blog was gone for awhile . I was afraid I lost it forever.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Huh ?

My Blog thingy appears to be gone. What's up with that ?

Monday, May 23, 2005

Sorry is my middle name

I'm guilty, Guilty Guilty Guilty, yesterday I was driving along a road away from a grocery store, I was driving the speed limit and suddendly A truck ran a stop sign in my path. He came to an abrupt stop and looked aggravated with me. I was clearly in the right of way; so why did he look at me annoyed ? I felt like it was my fault. I should have anticipated his run of the stop sign and let him go ? No !!!But , I then drove home feeling guilty. That's not right. But, that;s my life....... I feel guilty all the time for things that are not my fault. I blame this on my Chatholic upbringing. I'm sorry for the whole world. You stub your toe; I'm sorry . If some one has bad luck ; I'm sorry . Someone dies; and I'm sorry that I'm living , I have good things happen to me? Others seem to have allot of trouble. I do believe that having a positive out look on life helps. But, why am I able to have a positive out look and others not? Others blame their bad luck on whatever . I don't . Something bad could happen to me anytime. I would not blame it on anyone or anything. But, for now I'm trurly Sorry for the people in the whole world who have difficulties. I will carry the burden of Guilt for now.........

Friday, May 20, 2005

Sister strikes again

All has been quiet; a little too quiet; I guess my sister Mary got bored. Her son John and his wife Tamela live down the street from her. Things between them have not been going very well. Others in the family including myself have been trying to figure it all out and make it right. No, this can't happen because my sister wants to keep the drama going. Yesterday she went down the street to talk to another neighbor who's son is friends with John's son Brad. She said allot of bad things about John and his whole family. This upset John and Tamela greatly. Mary told the neighbor to not let her son Travis hang out with Brad because he is bad news. She had no reason to do this except to stir up more drama. She then later had to be rushed to the hospital because of a panic attack , Gee Go figure ...... Was she feeling guilty?
Oh Kristin Did you know that when you were about 7 or 8 I gave Mary custody because I left town . She took care of you and if it wasn't for her you would not have had anything..

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Live Love and be Happy Posted by Hello

Good Morning

The Memorial service for Monika was last night. It turned out very well. After Father Joe said saome things ,I got up and read my message to Ester from her Mom. I got through it ok with messing up my words. Now it is time to move on. My printer has been very busy all this past month printing pictures of Monika and her Memorial service cards. I had a zillion pictures all over the house of Monika. They are all gone now, I only have one. Whew !!!!!!
Kristin, This is for you ; Get the Oil changed in your car and find somewhere for a tune up. We have a long way to drive to LA.... Car must be happy ....I Love You ........

Monday, May 16, 2005

Should I have Moved ?

Ok, So I'm back from Philly. Something happened on my third flight of the day coming home. I travel on planes somewhat frequently; And one of the things I have discovered is that I really don't like being on them. The flying part is ok, it's just the cramped up; stuck feeling I get while on board. So, When the plane lands , I want off quickly ! So, when I book my flight I try to get a seat as close to the front of the plane as possible. Anyway, to get to the point I was on my 3rd flight of the day( a long day to say the least) and I was in row 5 aisle seat. And when I got to my seat there was a guy sitting there. I told him he was in my seat. He said he wanted to sit next to his wife who was in the window seat, and would I please go sit in his seat back in row 20 ? Huh ? What ? I don't think so ...... It was an hour an fifteen minute flight; He could not be away from his wife for that short amount of time? I said NO I'm sorry, I really want this seat . He gave me a dirty look and got up to move to his seat in the back. I sat down next to his wife and I could feel the tension. It was allfull. People are always saying that I don't know how to say NO, So why is it that when I do say NO I feel guilty has heck. If I had it to over again I would still say NO. Tell me what you think ????????

Friday, May 13, 2005

Life is Good

My daughter Kristin is rowing at Dad Vail. Pretty Exciting stuff. She also got an internship with G4TV in Los Angelas Ca. I'm not sure if I like this or not. LA is pretty big !!!!!!!! Oh well, I wish the best for my daughter. Good night

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Hello Hello Anybody there ?

I sent out a link to my blogger thingy and so far Kim is the only one who has appeared to check it out. I guess I have to make up more interesting stuff to write about

Maybe things like I danced naked on a bar in PanamaCity. Ok I'm going to Philly this weekend to watch daughter Kristin row in the Dad Vail competition. Should have fun Later

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Date with Bret

I went on a date last night with my husband Bret. We went to dinner at a mexican resturant. Then we went to see the Hitchikers quide to the galaxy. It was cute and alittle funny. I never read the book; but, Bret has. He enjoyed it quite well. I want a point of view gun, That would be nifty.
So, today I'll go to work at the CPO bar for bosses night. with Karen. Fun Fun Bret will leave for Jackson MS. then on to Dallas .We won't see one another till Monday ?

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

I have a crazy sister

My family has a problem; and she is called Mary (Patty ). She is one of my older sisters. She is 12 years older than I. She was always very motherly to me and my other 7 brothers and sisters. And she has become a nightmare. She has a problem with our spouses. And she has a problem with her own boys spouses. None of the spouses are any good. She is a drama queen to the max. She creates in her head horrible things that she thinks are going on. And she trashes everyone.
Do all familys has a relative that pulls this crap ? She is pushing the family away ; and it is sad. Because we are all tired of her bull. Mary Mary Mary where is your head at ?

Monday, May 09, 2005

Monday :)

Monday afternoon, I'm getting ready to go to work. The Blue Angels are having a social hour at the cubi bar at the navy museum. The Thunderbirds are here as well as the Canadian Snow birds. They will all be flying around together for a few days. Sould be fun tonight at work.
I miss the O'club sort of.. It should reopen some time this fall.Then I can get back to a day shift and life will seem normal again.
Whoo Hoo, I'm goning to Philly this weekend To see Kristin Row in the Dad Vail compitition. My brother Bill and his wife are going to drive down from Rhode Island to see us, Slould be fun. That';s all for today. Later

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Monika Irene Jensen We miss you Posted by Hello

A Mom who is missed today

Monika Jensen

This is about daughters. I have three of my own,; who are all very precious to me. And about Monika' s daughter Ester. Who was very close to her mother.
I truly believe I knew where Monika was with her daughter. Because she showed me that she knew where I was with mine . When my oldest daughter Kristin was being stalked by her manager from work and I needed to leave she told me to go and not to worry about work . I was reluctant to leave . And she said with a stern voice , "You go and be with your daughter she needs you. "
Then when I got back She always asked about how my daughter was doing with real concern. Even just recently when she came home from the hospital I was fortunate enough to have one of the last few conversations with her. She then asked how my daughter was doing. We all want to keep your daughters safe and all of our children And Monika wanted to keep Ester safe. And with this I will say to Ester what I think Monika would want to say
Ester , My dear sweet daughter, I love you with all my heart , This love has not gone away. Take care of yourself and mostly take care of Dustin and be patient with him he needs you to be strong.
I'm sorry I left you I know I was your rock..But It's time for you to take over and be the rock for Dustin.
I;m so proud of you , You took on a heavy burden when I got sick you wanted to quit and I give up. You said , "I can't do this anymore ," But you held it together and pulled through.. Believe in God and believe in angels. For I am one of your angels now. When things are not going well and you feel sad smile and remember Your Angel is watching over you. And I will bring you a better tomorrow. Love Mom

Monika Jensen

A sweet ,wonderful and caring person who is missed by many.

I wrote this to read at a memorial service for my boss who died April 10th this year I have become very close to her Daughter Ester Please tell me what you think of it . I'll be reading it Monday May 16th at the service

Happy Mother's Day !

Alison is having a gathering at her house today. She is a good cook. More later.....

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Love my Husband

Oh just to let you know I have a wonderful husband name Bret who I love very much.

hello Posted by Hello
Aleta and Barry at Coyote Uglys Posted by Hello

I need help I Think

I am having an Ok day. I have to work a wedding in a little while . KB i hope you leave messages for me I need help with adding things to my site

I'm getting it

Ok so i have messed up on this blogger thing . Seems lijke i have 3 different blog sights.

Bret and Barbara's holiday wine label for 2004 Posted by Hello