Sunday, May 08, 2005

A Mom who is missed today

Monika Jensen

This is about daughters. I have three of my own,; who are all very precious to me. And about Monika' s daughter Ester. Who was very close to her mother.
I truly believe I knew where Monika was with her daughter. Because she showed me that she knew where I was with mine . When my oldest daughter Kristin was being stalked by her manager from work and I needed to leave she told me to go and not to worry about work . I was reluctant to leave . And she said with a stern voice , "You go and be with your daughter she needs you. "
Then when I got back She always asked about how my daughter was doing with real concern. Even just recently when she came home from the hospital I was fortunate enough to have one of the last few conversations with her. She then asked how my daughter was doing. We all want to keep your daughters safe and all of our children And Monika wanted to keep Ester safe. And with this I will say to Ester what I think Monika would want to say
Ester , My dear sweet daughter, I love you with all my heart , This love has not gone away. Take care of yourself and mostly take care of Dustin and be patient with him he needs you to be strong.
I'm sorry I left you I know I was your rock..But It's time for you to take over and be the rock for Dustin.
I;m so proud of you , You took on a heavy burden when I got sick you wanted to quit and I give up. You said , "I can't do this anymore ," But you held it together and pulled through.. Believe in God and believe in angels. For I am one of your angels now. When things are not going well and you feel sad smile and remember Your Angel is watching over you. And I will bring you a better tomorrow. Love Mom

Monika Jensen

A sweet ,wonderful and caring person who is missed by many.

I wrote this to read at a memorial service for my boss who died April 10th this year I have become very close to her Daughter Ester Please tell me what you think of it . I'll be reading it Monday May 16th at the service


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