Wednesday, July 27, 2005

My biggest fears

I've begun to realize my fears. Sometimes , not all the time, I dislike certain people. Them being Old people, Fat people and stupid people. It bothers me that I look down on them. So, I started to some digging into my own mine. It's not that I dislike these people . It's that I have a fear of being like them. I've always had a fear of acting stupid, being stupid and saying stupid things. Then I am getting old and that scares me . And then the fat thing has been an issue for me since I was a teenager. So, it goes to say that the things people don't like about you are the things they fear the most in themselves. Huh? Two of my fears I have control over . I don't have to get fat and and I might get old but I don't have to act old. Stupid comes and goes with us all. Does this make any sense to anyone ?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are on the right track about disliking in others what we fear will happen to ourselves.
People who have lived a long time and experienced life to the fullest, though are really special because they have so much to offer.
Stay healthy and you will live long. You will be one of the wise women people go to to ask advice.
Enjoy the day.

8:49 AM  

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